May 8, 2024

0Posted by Robert-Jan Broer on


I know, I am a bit behind schedule when it comes to the Fratellowatches blog, checking the several forums and other blogs ofcourse.

I have been busy last week(s). Well, that should never be an excuse to not be answering my hunger for watches, but I can’t come up with anything else.

My 28th birthday was on April 13th, but I celebrated it last weekend. Watchwise, I got very nice presents. A very very nice watchbox from my girlfriend Fleur. I will take pictures of it this weekend (and fill it with some of my watches) and post it online. Gerard (of co-editor and shopowner of Horloge Platform Nederland) got me watchpresents as well. A nice retro LED watch, with real LED’s (no LCD-like electronica) and a press kit of the latest Speedmaster Pro special, including a CD-ROM by Omega. The other presents were great as well, but since they are not watch related, I won’t bore you with them

As for now, especially for the Dutch readers among us, here are some interesting links: is a new Dutch blog & forum on watches by Dale Vito and Steef Marcelissen.

Another interesting link is with all the latest news on watches and watch business. This site is maintained by Gerard Nijenbrinks.

So to keep things short again, I will be posting some news this weekend again.