July 27, 2024

3Posted by Robert-Jan Broer on

Tomorrow, the 6th of November, is P-Day #3 day. It is a long drive for me (about 5 hours I think), but that’s nothing compared with the guys who are coming over from overseas. Everything is arranged, I have installed the German map for my carnavigation (Tomtom) and charged the battery of my Nikon Coolpix camera so I can do a full report for this blog. The only problem is, I only have one Panerai, which might be a bit embarrassing since there will be guys who almost have the entire collection in their posession. Anyway, I will bring my Sinn 142 as well, since this watch was made in Frankfurt, it will be fun to wear it when I am overthere. So this means I have to swap, or have to wear two watches. So many luxury problems…

Oh well, I am ready for it and I am very excited about the meeting in Frankfurt! I will bring my IBM Thinkpad laptop just in case they have a WiFi connection available so I can do a write-up at the spot.

To get an impression of such an event, click here for the P-Day #2 report.