July 27, 2024

Watch Collector #6 0Posted by Robert-Jan Broer on

Once in a while I try to post something about or of a watchcollector. Known or unknown to the large online watchcommunity.

Number 6 in this series is Larry Seiden, I used a picture of his Jaquet Droz watch yesterday and mailed him to see if he was allright with this. He replied that he was, and in the signature of his e-mail I noticed he has his own watch website as well. Some of you probably knew about it already (I remembered seeing it before anyway), but it is really worth checking out.

His collection is marvelous, even as the articles he published on his website. The watches seem to be carefully picked to join the collection, Larry knows his stuff. Especially on the Ingenieurs. Together with Marco and David he wrote this article on IWC Ingenieur watches.

Click here for his website