July 27, 2024

Comparison coming up.. 3Posted by Robert-Jan Broer on

It seems useless, comparing this 1967 Speedmaster Professional with caliber 321 with a new Speedmaster Professional with caliber 1863. However, starting collectors or Speedmaster-fans might be interesting in the coming up comparison between vintage & new. I already wrote a review on the vintage one, describing the whole restoration process. Since a few months I have bought the 3753.50 (new model) of the Speedmaster Professional, because I ‘needed’ a Speedmaster for every day without being afraid to damage something. I had some caliber 861 and 1861 models before, but I sold them all to finance another time piece or just traded them one-on-one for something else. The 3753.50 seems to be a keeper with its saphire front crystal and display back with the fine looking caliber 1863 movement.

Anyway, still working on it and hope to share it with you within a few days.