July 27, 2024

Grange Blanche 2Posted by Robert-Jan Broer on

Last week I upgraded the WordPress software which I use to manage and administrate this website. A nice free Content Management System, in short CMS. Besides some fixed security issues, it also has a few new features for the administrator (me). One of them is an overview of the ‘Incoming Links’. This way I can check who is linking to one of my articles. After upgrading to WordPress version 2.02 (from version 1.2) I noticed that I was linked to by the Grange Blanche blog.

It seems to be the blog of Jean Marie. Once in a while, I am having a nice chat with him through Microsoft Messenger (MSN). The article he wrote (which contains the link to this site) is in French, so I used Babblefish to translate the whole thing into English.

Jean Marie stopped wearing a watch for a week. And immediately, he felt the freedom of having no questions anymore. Questions about which brand to wear, which type of bracelet (leather or a metal..), which type of movement. No more watch spotting in the streets and in movies, no more gazing at watches in windows etc etc. You get the picture.

My first thought was, ‘he is right’. About two years ago, during a holiday in France, I left my watch(es) in the safe and bought a sporty Swatch (Athene 2004 rubber band model) to keep me company at the campsite. In those 2 weeks, I didn’t miss my watch(es). The Swatch did the job perfectly. So it is nice to know that this watch addiction does not require any clinics to get ‘clean and watchless’ again. Just like that, cold turkey. Stop wearing one.

My second though however…¬† what exactly is the problem with this addiction? You can’t buy watches you can’t afford, or you must¬†have¬†been tricked by a¬†jeweler with one of those evil finance constructions. So I don’t see much problems with this watch addiction, it is just a nice passion or ‘interest’.

Actually, those little choices you have to make in the morning when picking a watch (bracelet/strap, mechanical/quartz, handwound/automatic etc etc) are choices I make with great pleasure. Especially compared to decisions you have to make at work

Grange Blanche