July 27, 2024

Holiday season is burglary season 0Posted by Robert-Jan Broer on

Holiday season has already started and before you leave to your favorite destination, make sure your watches are safe. Actually, your watches should always be safely stored. A few days ago, I read on Das Rolex Forum that someone came home from a short holiday and noticed his watch was missing. The horror.

If you don’t want your watches to be stored in a safe at the bank, you should consider having a safe installed. Make sure it is fitted by a bolt to a brick or concrete wall. This will stop them for a while

If you have a watch winder (battery operated), make sure it will fit in the safe. This means you have to look at the inner dimensions of the safe :-) You wouldn’t be the first one that came home with a safe that is too small for your watch winder.

Also, make sure you have a proper insurance for all your belongings and have the proper locks installed in your house on all outside doors and windows. It might be interesting to take a look at an alarm system as well. This can be a requirement for the insurance anyway.