July 27, 2024

Parmigiani Fleurier 0Posted by Robert-Jan Broer on

Ian Skeller did a very impressive essay on the new woman’s collection from Parmigiani Fleurier.

“Until recently, Parmigiani’s watches were designed exclusively for men. Not that that stopped some women from wearing them; however, for 50% of the planet‚Äôs population it certainly limited the brand‚Äôs attraction . . . and the most important 50% according to many!”

“Much more important than knowing what you can do is knowing what you can‚Äôt do. Michel Parmigiani knew he could create innovative movements and he knew he could design special styles which would appeal to a certain type of man; however, he also knew that designing for the opposite sex was not necessarily his forte. He decided that the best person to design a range for contemporary women was a contemporary woman; he found exactly the right person in talented young designer Carol Vallat.”

Click here to read the complete article…

“Michel Parmigiani explaining the fine details of restoration to international press manager Marina Celliti.”
Photo by Ian Skellern